Referral Based Family Breeder in Northeast Oklahoma. See Testimonies Below
Referral Based Family Breeder in Northeast Oklahoma. See Testimonies Below
Signed in as:
1 Year Health Guarantee
Great Oaks Kennel sells puppies AS PETS ONLY and not for breeding.
Buyer agrees to spay/neuter their puppy on or before 12 MONTHS OF AGE.
Proof of spay/neuter from vet should be emailed when completed and must be provided if requested from Great Oaks Kennel.
Spay/Neuter agreement applies to all potential future families of puppy and BUYER CANNOT RESELL OR RE-HOME PUPPY UNLESS IT IS SPAYED/NEUTERED.
Great Oaks Kennel warrants the puppy for one (1) year from date of birth against life-threatening genetic defects. Should life-threatening genetically caused defects or death occur within the first year, Great Oaks Kennel will replace the puppy subject to the conditions being met in this Health Guarantee. All supporting documentation must be provided and is subject to the review of a veterinarian chosen by Great Oaks Kennel.
When picking up your puppy, you will be provided with the puppy's current health records indicating the vaccinations and de-worming that your puppy has already received. The buyer must maintain a detailed record of veterinarian given vaccinations and wormings. Vaccinations must be transported, stored correctly and given at the proper time, thus, a veterinarian must give the puppy it's vaccinations.
If a veterinarian finds a life-threatening genetic defect, Great Oaks Kennel must be notified within 48 hours. If within the first year from purchase, the buyer may return the puppy and trade for another puppy, not already spoken for, of the same breed, sex and quality. The buyer must provide a written statement and test results from a licensed veterinarian explaining the reason for the puppy return. Great Oaks Kennel is not responsible for any vet bills or other expenses incurred by the buyers, including but not limited to transportation and/or shipping costs incurred.
Great Oaks Kennel is not responsible for any stress/environmentally induced disorder or anything that is beyond our control once the puppy leaves our premises. In addition, giardia and coccidiosis are not covered by Great Oaks Kennel. This warranty is void in the event that the buyer induces any type of harm, to include neglect, abuse or substandard treatment of said puppy. Any treatments or procedures not regulated by a licensed vet may also forfeit this puppy warranty, at the discretion of Great Oaks Kennel. Temperament is not guaranteed since it is greatly affected by environment. Final color, markings of the puppy and coat types (straight, curly, wavy, etc.) are not guaranteed.
If the dog has been bred (in violation of the contract and subject to legal consequences and damages), the Health Guarantee is void and no replacement will be made. Replacement puppies (of the same breed, sex and quality) will be chosen from a present litter or from the next available litter. The replacement puppy will be given under the same terms and conditions and may not be bred. Great Oaks Kennel will only replace one puppy per sale regardless of circumstances and does not refund money on puppies.
Deposits are non-refundable. All puppies sold by Great Oaks Kennel are sold with no breeding rights and must be spay or neutered. Puppy purchase/sale subject to availability. The 1 year puppy replacement only applies to the original purchaser unless specifically granted by Great Oaks Kennel in writing. This contract supersedes all previous written and verbal communication.
Great Oaks Kennel